Thanks to everyone who took time to write about my last post and to send good wishes to my Mother. Hopefully, she will be leaving the hospital tomorrow (6 week anniversary) and move to rehab for a week and then home. She is almost her own self personality wise. All this has certainly taken a toll but she still looks great for her age!
Last Saturday was Day With Dolls hosted by the 3D Doll Club in Mount Vernon, N. Y. This was the third annual in a what I hope is a long line of annual events. (The first and second were hosted by our own member Diane Kearney. )

We had demos on Paverpol and new products from those lovely ladies Bonnie and Mary Ann from Dollmaker's Journey, a textiva wing demo from Tonya (paintedthreads) and 2 dolls and supplies to begin on. (That's MaryAnn sitting with dolls from my patterns, Ragalia, Madame LeCat and my newest which debuted to a wonderful reception, Dances With Butterflies. I even found the perfect antenae - rhinestone studded head pins--from one of the vendors there. ) The first was a doll that originated from a bottle and a piece of fabric, the second was "Hang Ur Imagination" which started with a hanger, block of wood and a styrofoam ball! See below for my finished piece. I also helped out with name tags. Last year we did faces. This year I thought Paper dolls. The dolls, dresses and shoes were cut out on the Die cut machine. I think the attendees had fun with these. I know our club did - we made mermaids since we meet in Neptune!

Jane and Flora working hard.

Margaret, ?, Linda and Diane I from our doll club. I am so sorry but I don't remember the name of the person in green at our table.

Dolls from the display. See that one in red with the beautiful face and LOTS of attitude? She is Queen of Hearts by Maria Quinones--an original sculpt that is just beyond words beautiful. This is the doll she created from Arley Berryhill's Ms Peacock class.

Janice from our doll club's wonderful creation.

Love the long legs on this doll.

More eyecandy.

And still MORE eyecandy.

More dolls.

This one I finished. Beaded the face at the hospital. The arms and legs are from fringed cotton, the body is a piece of ribbon from the kit covered with beaded fringe also from the kit. I added the lame. I was going for no sew but since I had to sew the body, I decided to bead the face. I still have to finish the base. His hands are wire and textiva. I call him "Jazz Hands."