I have been busy with so much lately! Our EGA had an exhibit April 24-25th. Lot of work but it was well worth it! We had a great turnout but glad it is over! Pictures will be on our website soon,
http://www.mcega.org/ I have also been working on some secret projects for a couple showers I am going to next month. After the showers I can post pictures. But the grandest thing I have just completed was constructing the new ArtBra Ladies quilt. I auditioned various colors for the border and we all agreed blue worked best. I purchased this bright Navy blue silk but when I got it on the quilt, it read dark navy so I added the appliqued navy blue satin scrolls to the corners and outlined them in a blue metallic cord.

I do like how the dark border makes the blocks really pop. I am getting better at putting the quilts together - just wish I was getting faster! This is the fifth one we have done. The heart quilt (which was constructed by Allie Aller), the Butterfly quilt (constructed by me), and the rose quilt (constructioned by Barbara Blankenship) were featured in the 2010 ArtBra Calendar. The latest theme, my idea, was fan blocks in jewel tone colors. I sent all the participants a muslin foundation piece with the block drawn on it. What wonderful blocks were completed and returned. Here is the finished quilt. It will be in the new 2011 ArtBra Calendar which can be prepurchased now at
http://www.artbra.org/ If you would like to see close-ups of the blocks, they can be viewed on Barbara's
flickr site.