The Hoffman Challenge winners were announced late last night. I checked the website at 1am (couldn't sleep!) and got the biggest thrill - my doll The Dragon Slayer won 1st place! Here are the winners
1st Place: The Dragon Slayer by Stephanie Novatski (me!)
2nd Place: Miss Izabelle Darling by Marie Carter
3rd Place: Miss Chao Mian by Susan Ranoa
Honorable Mention: Bingo Little by Sheri Sheppard
Curator's Choice: Behold: B’Elanna, Princess of Mongo and bride of Flash Gordon by Doris Moore
Best First Time Doll: Sultan of Akteo by Linda Brackett
Most Humorous: Anne Bolyn's Nightmare by Wendy Whittemore
Best Incorporation of Theme: Dance of the Blue Lagoon by Patricia Wormuth
I can't wait to see the pics which will be posted next week. What intriguing titles!!! So you're not in suspense, you can see more pics of my doll here.