Here are some pics of finished projects doing what they were meant to do. First is the Christening gown worn by baby Cecelia who is being held by her Mother Felecia who actually wore it first - when it was a wedding gown. Beautiful baby and beautiful mother.
Next is the heart quilt that was an EGA project. It was donated to the Deborah Hospital in Browns Mills, NJ. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the handover, but I plan on driving down to see it in its new home in the lobby when the remodeling is completed.
The framing was done by Carol Martin of U-Frame It in Matawan, NJ. She sewed the quilt to the backing. The hospital required it to be encased to prevent any dust. I think it looks wonderful and I am so glad it has a good home and will bring some joy and beauty to those who see it.

I also received back my Hoffman Challenge doll, Morning Serenade. She came back in perfect condition and she is already sold. I just need to refasten her feet to the base and off she goes. She was purchased by the owner of the bead store, The Birds and the Beads, I frequent. How fitting! One last pic.