Her top skirt is silk upoltery
fabric with the backing
removed. Her underskirt
is reembroidered Alcyon
Lace that was gifted to me. I
antiqued it with Distress Stain
Her "slip" is feathers.. |
On facebook a very talented doll artist, Dallas Sills posted pics of her lovely doll she was submitting to the Bride doll challenge of Art Doll Quarterly. I had let my subscription lapse so wasn't aware of the challenge until she mentioned it - though I did purchase the issue I was missing and renewed my subscription. I had made a few brides to honor my neices in law but while at The Artsy Soul owned by my dear friend Colleen, a client came in and we were talking dolls. I have a few Steampunk and showed her pics and found out she would love to have a Steampunk wedding but her fiance wasn't too keen on the idea. So then I got to wondering what would a Steampunk bride look like? Well I finished it in time to submit it. Not enough time and money ($70! YIKES!!) to send the doll, but I will send jpgs. So here she is in all her glory. I used my Flirty Flora pattern mainly because I had a head already made. Don't know why I didn't use it on another doll, but I rejected it for some reason. Like it now!
Her corset is painted ultra suede - didn't like
the original color. The front is a key hole
from Tim Holtz Ideaology. The charms
are from my collection. |
Her Hat started out black but with
a few coats of gesso, paint, crackle
finish, and gilders paste, it is now
a lovely antique white, |
Her boots are faux leather I created with
acryllic paints, crackle finish and gilder's
paste. More tim Holtz tassels, wing
charms from my stash, little flowers
and scrolls around her ankles
from my friend Colleen. |
She is holding a birdcage with love bird
charms. It is made from Grunge
Board cut with a Tim Holtz
Sizzix die. |
Hope she gets in the magazine!