Directions for a chair from a wooden box.

I originally posted these directions in 2007 but it seems they went to my old webpage and were deleted when Netscape discontinued their page! So here is a pic of the chairs. There is a link on the Tutorials list on the right side of the blog for the directions. Incase the link doesn't work, here is the
The larger chair was made for my first pattern, Ragalia. The beaded chair was made for my newest doll, Frida as a child.
I just finished two dolls using vintage linens. One is Frida as a child who is bead jointed and who I made the bead chair for. The second is a stand alone doll, Victorian Lace, made with vintage lace doilies and lace and buttons. These two are from the "In her Own Style" design (not yet a pattern!) that I created for the alternate 2015 Hoffman Challenge doll. I am really enjoying this pattern. I have made quite a few dolls from it, most of them with cloth over clay over cloth faces which I seem to be doing more though I did refine the pattern for the head to be done in cloth only. Here are pics of the dolls made from this design. Quite a collection!

This is Frida as a Child reading to her toy Monkey. She is sitting in the wooden chair above and is bead jointed. Her face is Cloth over cla over cloth. Her apron, sleeves and collar are vintage linens. She is holding a small Photo Album with pics of her as a child. She also has flowers in her hair which became one of Firda Kahlo's signature looks.

This is Victorian Lace. She is a stand alone doll. I was told she is reminiscent of Madonna which didn't thrill me but to each their own. I think she is a bit Flapper/Steampunk. Her color and skirt is made from vintage doilies. The lace on her bodice and sleeves as is the lace on her bloomers is dyed with coffee. I was going to give her a hat, but decided on a headband with Lace rosettes on the sides. The buttons on her boots are vintage and purchased at Brimfield. She has an armature, no beaded joints.

The rest are familiar and have been posted before with their stories, so I am just going to add them here. Left is Rag Bag Diva (cloth face), Right is My Mommy Made this (Cloth over Clay over Cloth Face). The picture below is The Bride as a child (COCOC face), Style of Her Own (the original cloth face), and In her own Words (COCOC) who is also bead jointed. To the Right is Ms America who is also Bead Jointed, Cloth face. I have one more to make, A Mod/60's girl with white go-go boots! I already have her cloth face done. Though she will have a slightly different dress. I love playing with a pattern and seeing the different dolls that can be created by just changing fabric!