Thank you Judi, Natalie, Allie, Debra, Marjorie, and Diane for your kind words. Debra, the entire pattern including color pictures is in the magazine, Doll Crafter and Custuming, September, 2007. Thanks too to all those who wrote me off blog.
I have been offline since last Wednesday when I came down with a severe stomach virus that landed me in the hospital for part of the day. I am finally feeling almost normal again. Amazing how debilitating this turned out to be--not to mention throwing me off schedule for my Hoffman Challenge Doll!!!! Good thing I had the face made before I got sick. Of course, though that is no guarentee I will use it!
Today I worked on a paper/fabric project to get my juices flowing again. I promised to make an album using a wedding invite for a friend to give as a gift. I found this hand-made paper covered scrap book and she liked the idea. Here is the finished project. Color is a bit off. I had a hard time coming up with a design for this invititation--rather unusual. At least it is done for the wedding. I did square it up after I saw this pic and I didn't cut the heads off--that is how the invite was printed. I used techniques new to me--embossing powders to give texture to velum, adhering tissue paper to fabric (hearts), puff paint and dimensional paint. I really admire artists like Beryl Taylor. She does such amazing things with paper, fabric, and paint. I started this in pastel, but the invite has dark ink and it really didn't work. Hope she likes it.