Finished this today. The strap took FOREVER!!!! I used a product similar to the cord diva but found lots cheaper in the children's party department of The Rag Shop before it went out of business. I love the results, used 8 strands of 6 different fibers and 1 strand of 1" sheer metallic wired ribbon for strength. I had to do a length about 2 yards long. My estimate it took about 6 hours. I do like it, but I probably would have liked a twisted cord too and that would have taken about 15 minutes!

Thanks for the nice comments about this effort. Can't wait to use it and see the reactions!
Now I have to work on some samples for EGA Merchandising. Our Guild will be selling items at the Regional

Seminar. The Scissors Fobs went over very well last year. This year we are planning Napkin Rings, a needle book/scissor case, more fobs, and this face pin if I can locate a bunch of the little crocheted hats.