I have also been sketching in my Face Book. I have tried to take those sketches and translate them into cloth. Here is the first, Jasmine.
Her face is done in a cloth over cloth style with set in eyes made from wood.
Not bad for the first try but her eyes need to be set in a little more--she looks like she has Graves disease and her nose is a but large though it doesn't look quite so big in person. I was going for a 1920's flapper look. Oh well, maybe the next one!

The next is my OhOh face based on this picture from a hair dye ad.

Here is the head. Not sure I am happy with this one yet. I'm sure she will look better with hair!
I have also been working on the faces for my CQ doll class--the kits contain completed heads. I sketched them out then scanned them and manipulated the files until I got faces that printed out OK. I also have been making some more sample dolls so I can time all the steps to make sure the doll can be completed in 2 days. Here is a sample with a printed face. I think I need to make the features just a bit smaller. Her colors were taken from the focus fabric print on her bodice right--another piece of tie fabric.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words about my class pieces. I am excited about teaching them too.