My computer died again - this time it was the power source and that meant a new computer. So now I am writing to you on my new laptop. Fortunately I was able to salvage the hard drive and get all my data - unlike last time!

I was away teaching at the EGA Metropolitan region Seminar. What a blast!!! I had a small class but all the ladies completed their dolls! How cool is that! Then the following week I accompanied my friend Vickie to Artistic Figures in Cloth in Ohio to help man her booth. We had such a great time and the dolls were exceptional to say the least!

Then to top off a near perfect few weeks, two friends from Texas, Barbara and Lynnis came to visit. Here they are arriving at the airport. We spent a day in New York hitting all the bea
d shops, trim shops including Tinsel Trading, and a few fabric stores. We also hit a few local fabric stores. Both Barbara and Lynnis left some of those Texas dollars here! We also had a little time to create. We made pendants from UTEE and Textiva. Here is Barbara's beauty with the grapes and here is Lynnis's with leaves.
I also made one for me and one for Vickie but couldn't make up my mind which one she would like best so I gave her both. Then I found directions on UTube here for faux opals using glass but since I didn't have glass, I made a base from clay. Here are pics of my pendants
. The opal one really looks like a real opal! Amazing!

I am working on my Hoffman Challenge doll and a new class for a tree doll using almost all recycled materials. Watch for the announcement soon!