The dolls were shipped via Global Priority to Australia where they arrived (only took about 1 week!) safe and sound to a great home. Thanks so much to all who shared their creation with me and all the wonderful comments. I felt like I was sending off a rainbow!
Now, I am finally making the gift card house for my nephew Mike and Michele's wedding which is Sept 25th. I wanted to make it look similar to their home but I did take some artistic liberties. Here is their lovely house. Here is how I am building the gift Card House. first I start with a wooden frame made by 1"x1" wood (my DH cut down some 1" x 2" for me).

Next I skin the frame with foamcore and cut out the windows and door.

The roof, which is made from machine embroidered purple silk, is put together with an opening in the center and then laid on top. The roof is also trimmed with french lace I dyed to match. It actually will be attached in the front only so it can be lifted up in the back and the house emptied of it's contents.

I wrapped the house in felt. To imitate siding, I next wrapped the house in overlaping rows of beige satin ribbon and cut out the doors and windows.

I also attached the house to the base before I added the siding. Now I am working on the front creating the gables. When I finish them and the door and windows which will be off white satin with white satin ribbon sashing and beaded trim, I'll attach the gables and add their roofs, then the little porch over the front door and roof over the garage. Final embellishments with be foliage around the base and more white trim to define the roof lines. Right now, this pic has the gables pinned in place.

Sorry guys, I had to eliminate one of your garages! I wanted to emphasize the front door a bit more.
Tomorrow is Labor Day and we plan to spend it with family. Hope you enjoy too!