I started this doll I believe at the end of Last year. I have had the idea in my head forever! I had this beautiful fabric I won from Hoffman. It was purple with gold scrolls. I back painted it black to make the gold stand out more and it worked perfectly! I wanted her to look like she was flying, so created a base with a "hovering" broom over a countryside for her to perch on. She is very stylish - 5 different skirts, lots of embellishements and those shoes!!!! She is bead jointed and can be removed from her broomstick and sit anywhere. She is larger than I usually work - 22". Her hair is a deconstructed sweater in the perfect color. The feathers in her hat are from a poor chicken that was scattered in my yard one morning - probably a snack for our elusive fox. More closeups.
Her standing. Her hand is temporally pinned to her hat.
Closeup of her face and hair.
Side view of he hat and charms.
And of course those shoes. Trimmed with hand made bats! I did trim off those threads.
Flying in Style is currently residing in her new home in the Midwest.