For the past week or so I have been creating a doll for a friend. While cleaning out her Mother's home after her parent's death, she found some fabric from her Mother's Wedding Gown and of course thought I would love it. She was right. It actually wasn't fabric but rather a slip made to wear under the dress. It was a medium weight satin with some beautiful lace trim. Her Grandmother had made the dress and I thought it would be a nice gesture to make a doll in her mother's image. Well, after lots of angst, it is finally done. I had a picture to work from, of her mother from the waist up sitting posing and that is what I had to go by. Hope I guessed right! Will find out tonight as I am gifting her the doll. Here are some pics in progress and the finished doll as well as the picture she was based on.
The gown looks white, but the fabric is ivory. Those probably aren't her flowers as years ago pics were taken before the wedding at a studio, but just in case. Just realized I forgot the wedding band!

Progress shots. I made her legs jointed so she could sit. I also made a chair and a stand incase Diane doesn't want her to sit. The major problems were the weight of the fabric and the condition it was in. It appears someone had washed and pressed it but wrinkles don't iron out of Satin without adding more sizing and that will discolor over time. There were some spots and also frayed areas I had to work around. The fabric was also a bit heavy-good thing the dress was fairly simple.
That is all the inprogress shots I took. Love how the shoes came out though I have no idea what they looked like. This was a surprise for my friend so I couldn't ask her!