Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hair Again

Another Santa is almost done. This fellow has a chubbier body and will be dressed in Red like a classic Santa. I also changed the eye technique to using flatback acryllic eyes and eyelashes made from black organza. Amazing what a difference hair and a beard makes! Too bad it doesn't hide his crooked nose! The naked head is on a piece of the wool I felted however, it wasn't red enough for his coat which I discovered after the coat was almost done. But I had a lovely red damask sample that worked perfectly. He needs his shoes and his pose and then I think I will fit a different doll in for a change of pace.


Shashi Nayagam said...

Love your Santas

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your wonderful blog. I just love everything what you create. The Santa faces are just great, well done!